Undiagnosed Chaos in the Pews


Mental health issues are often stigmatized and misunderstood, and
unfortunately, this stigma can also exist within religious communities.
The book “Chaos in the Pews: Champagne’s Wrath” by Yolanda Soto
addresses this very issue, exploring the struggles of churchgoers who
are dealing with mental health challenges and the ways in which their
communities often fail to support them.

In the book, Soto introduces us to Champagne, a young woman who has
been struggling with depression and anxiety for years but has been
afraid to speak up about it in her church community. Champagne’s story
is unfortunately all too common; many people who struggle with mental
health issues feel ashamed or afraid to seek help, especially in
religious communities where there can be pressure to present a perfect
image of themselves.

The message of Soto’s book is vital: those struggling with mental
health issues are not alone, and reaching out for help is a courageous
and essential step toward recovery. She also issues a call to action to
the church to recognize that there may be a diagnosis and not a spirit
and to be more compassionate and understanding toward members who may be
struggling with mental health issues.

One of the key messages of “Chaos in the Pews” is that mental health
issues are not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith. Soto argues that
too often, church communities view mental health challenges as a
spiritual failing rather than a medical condition. This attitude can
lead to further shame and isolation for those struggling with mental
health issues, making it even harder for them to seek the help they

The book by Soto is an impassioned plea for churches to improve
their care for members experiencing mental health issues. She stresses
the importance of church leaders learning about mental health issues,
making their churches welcoming places for people who are struggling,
and spreading a message of love and acceptance for everyone.

I think you’ll find that “Chaos in the Pews: Champagne’s Wrath” is a
timely and important read that brings attention to a problem that’s
often overlooked in religious communities. Soto has provided a valuable
resource for anyone dealing with mental health issues or wanting to
support others on their healing journey by telling Champagne’s story and
challenging churches to do better at supporting their members with
mental health challenges. Click on this link: https://amzn.to/3Ve6v3m to buy your copy immediately!

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